Top tips for parents and participants

We all have a part to play in keeping everyone safe. These tips – along with the videos below - are to help you. For more information contact your venue or member body’s safeguarding officer, or British Equestrian on

Know what standards to expect

All British Equestrian member bodies and their associated clubs and venues must have a Safeguarding Children Policy, a Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy and a safeguarding officer who has had a criminal record check that has been approved by their member body and be trained in safeguarding.

All accredited coaches must hold a relevant criminal record check and be trained in safeguarding.

Check safeguarding procedures

You can search online to find out whether your venue is accredited, or ask the venue or member body for more information. Check with your venue or club by asking:

  • Is my child's coach criminal record checked, safeguarding trained and qualified?

  • How can I get a copy of the club or venue's safeguarding policy and procedures?

  • Who is the club/venue's safeguarding officer for my child and how do I contact them?

  • What is the role of the safeguarding officer?

  • What should I do if I have a complaint?

  • If I have a concern about a child or someone's behaviour towards a child, what should I do?

  • Do you have codes of conduct for the club/venue and where can I view them?

  • How will you keep in touch with me or my child?

  • How will you support my child's medical and/or additional needs? (If appropriate)

Be alert to poor practice

We would not expect venues or clubs to:

  • Discourage parents and carers from staying to watch

  • Have coaches, officials or volunteers showing favouritism or personally rewarding specific children 

  • Accept inappropriate physical contact between coaches, officials or volunteers and children

  • Adopt a “win at all costs” attitude that impacts a child's wellbeing

  • Have coaches, officials or volunteers who invite children to spend time alone with them or to visit or stay in their home

  • Post, text, email, or communicate anything online or offline that may be deemed as offensive, abusive, racist, or threatening by way of   comments, language or behaviours.

If you think any of these behaviours are happening, please contact your centre’s safeguarding officer or your member body's designated safeguarding officer, or the British Equestrian safeguarding team on

For more information on the signs of abuse, please see: Spotting the signs of child sexual exploitation.

The British Equestrian and member body safeguarding teams are here to support and safeguard children in our sport. There are also other organisations that can provide advice, particularly on specific topics such as cyberbullying, sexting, gaming, video chats.

Advice on these topics and more can be found via the following websites:

Be a positive role model

Demonstrate best practice for safeguarding whether at home training or away competing. Help us to make equestrian sport safe and enjoyable for all.

Have realistic expectations of your coach and respect their professional boundaries. Make sure you are clear on any codes of conduct and policies so that there can be no confusion as to what behaviour is appropriate and expected by the coach and of you and your child.

Ensure your coach is accredited, has a criminal record check, and has received relevant training. Encourage safe practices such as ensuring any messaging between your coach and child also includes you.

For more information visit: Advice for parents and carers - British Equestrian

Stay safe online

This guidance is designed for everyone with a responsibility for keeping children safe.

  • Coaches should only communicate with children under 18 years if it is done through a WhatsApp/text group or email that includes their parent(s)/carer(s) and relates to only equestrian-related matters;

  • If a video call/online coaching session is required, parent(s)/carer(s) should be informed and asked to provide their written consent if the child is under 18 years old. Video calls should involve another adult, such as the parent/carer;

  • Adults such as coaches should contact your parents/carers directly, or have your parents/carers copied in to any messages;

  • Your coach should not ask to be ‘friends' with you on social media, they should have had safeguarding training on how they should correspond with under 18s;

  • Social media sites have privacy settings, which you should utilise and are there to keep you safe.

We advise against:

  • Posting or giving out children's personal details, such as a mobile number, email address or address

  • Children accepting friend requests on social media or other communication platforms from adults' personal profiles such as your coaches or venue officials

  • Children inviting adults to be friends on social media and communication platforms

  • Posting, texting, emailing, or communicating anything online or offline that may be deemed as offensive, abusive, racist, or threatening by way of comments, language or behaviours.

For more information see: Advice for children and young people - British Equestrian

Report any concerns

If you have a concern about the welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk, or the behaviour of an adult towards a child, young person or adult at risk, you must report it as soon as possible.

Use the Safe to Play ‘report a concern’ form, or speak to the safeguarding officer at your venue, member body, or British Equestrian directly via

Top tips for parents

Top tips for participants

Report a concern

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