Ensuring that your employees and clients are able to enjoy their time at your venue with the peace of mind that you're doing all you can to ensure their safety is very important. For more information on best practice please see: Running safe events - British Equestrian
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone at the venue, not just the Safeguarding Officer. You need to:
Have an appointed safeguarding officer
Follow the British Equestrian Safeguarding Policies
Carry out a risk assessment to identify and manage risks at your club or venue. Template available here.
Utilise codes of conduct for your staff, volunteers, competitors, spectators and parents, available here.
Ensure that the safeguarding officer and other staff working with children, young people and adults at risk have attended safeguarding training workshops, and those working in regulated activity with children have had an appropriate criminal record check.
Ensure individuals at the club or venue know how to respond to concerns about a child. Examples could be a flowchart procedure for responding to concerns, or posters displayed outlining who the Safeguarding Officer at the club or venue is together with contact details.
Ensure a Safeguarding Policy summary statement is displayed at your venue, and make full copies available to anyone who cannot access the full policy online.
You risk de-registration from your member body if you fail to comply with their safeguarding standards. Conduct regular self-assessments. Contact your member body or see Running safe events - British Equestrian for more information.
The safer recruitment policy and processes apply to everyone working with children or adults at risk (whether paid staff or volunteers). Have a clear safer recruitment policy and ensure you obtain the necessary criminal record checks.
It is also vitally important to note the expiry date for any criminal record checks and accreditations for coaches at your venue. If these lapse, you would be failing in your duty of care as a venue. Coaches without accreditation may not be insured to teach under your insurance policy.
All members of the team should undertake a safeguarding induction so that they are aware of your policies, codes of conduct, and how to report any concerns.
For more information visit: Safeguarding for employers - British Equestrian
British Equestrian seeks to build a safe, enjoyable and inclusive environment for all, whether you're a rider, parent, official, volunteer, qualified coach or working with horses. We have developed safeguarding training that is equestrian-specific and child-centred.
There is a three-hour interactive ‘Safeguarding Equestrians Workshop’ as well as online courses available, being:
Equestrian basic safeguarding awareness
Equestrian advanced safeguarding
Equestrian advanced safeguarding for safeguarding officers
We recommend that everyone working with under-18s renew their safeguarding education every three years.
For more information on training available please see: Safeguarding for employers - British Equestrian
If you have a concern about the welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk, or the behaviour of an adult towards a child, young person or adult at risk, you must report it as soon as possible.
Use the Safe to Play ‘report a concern’ form, or speak to the safeguarding officer at your venue or member body, or British Equestrian directly via safeguarding@bef.co.uk.
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