If you think a child, young person or adult at risk is in immediate danger, please contact the police on 999 without delay. If you have a concern about the welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk, or the behaviour of an adult towards a child, young person or adult at risk, you must refer it as soon as possible.
Use the Report a Concern form, contact your centre or member body safeguarding officer, or you can contact British Equestrian directly. Our safeguarding team is staffed by professionals who are experienced in dealing with these concerns. We are available for advice and support during office hours on 02475313443 or safeguarding@bef.co.uk.
24 hour free and confidential telephone helpline that provides counselling, information and advice to anyone concerned about a child at risk of ill treatment or abuse.
Tel: 0808 800 5000
24-hour free and confidential helpline for children
Tel: 0800 1111
Provides emotional support, information and practical help for victims and witnesses
Tel: 0845 3030 900
Tel: 116 123
Tel: 0300 123 3393
Tel: 0116 234 7278
Tel: 0131 446 2300
Tel: 0115 951 5400
Advice and help with any mental health issues relating to young people
Tel: 0808 802 5544
For parents who need help or someone to talk to
Tel: 0808 800 2222
Support and counselling to victims of sexual abuse
Tel: 0870 000 3344
Tel: 0808 2000 247
Tel: 0800 169 6565
British Equestrian- member bodies
For more information please visit: British Equestrian- Reporting a concern
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